About Me

Note: I plan to graduate in 2025 and I'm looking for the fantastic PostDoc or Research Scientist/Engineer opportunities.

If you have any suitable positions, please contact me. My resume and research statement can be found here.

I’m a final-year PhD student under the supervision of Dr. XU Weitao in the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong. I’m a member of Smart Sensing and Mobile Computing Lab (S2MC). I also work closely with Dr. SONG Linqi (CS in CityU).

Now, I am a Technology Investment Analyst Intern in the Huawei Corporate Development Department (Hubble Technology Investment). I also previously worked as an intern in one hedge fund and Huawei 2012 Labs.

My research interests include distributed machine learning (systems), distributed optimization methods. I focus on communication-efficient distributed and decentralized optimization (especially in Federated Learning).


  • [2024.8] Honor to be invited as a Reviewer of AISTATS 2025!
  • [2024.8] Honor to be invited as a Reviewer of ICLR 2025!
  • [2024.8] One paper was accepted by ICPADS 2024.
  • [2024.3] The first journal paper has been ACCEPTED by IEEE JSTSP.
  • [2023.12] I got the 4th place in Infinity Champions 011 - Alphathon 2023 hold by WorldQuant.
  • [2023.11] I join Huawei 2012 Labs (Hangzhou) to work as an AI engineer intern.
  • [2023.8] My first paper (Adaptive Top-K in SGD for Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning) has been ACCEPTED for presentation at GLOBECOM 2023.


  • Email: cs.mzr [at] my [dot] cityu [dot] edu [dot] hk
  • Office: Yeung Kin Man Academic Building G2326
  • Location: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

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